Youth Confirmation

“The Bible speaks of training children in God’s word (Psalm 78:1-8; Proverbs 22:6; 2 Timothy 3:14-16), confessing Jesus Christ as Savior (Matthew 10:32), examining ourselves before receiving the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:28) and partaking of the Lord’s Supper often (1 Corinthians 11:25). Established in Christian freedom, confirmation—the rite and the formal course of instruction that precedes it—addresses these important areas. …. Confirmation is intended to give those who have received basic instruction in the truths of God’s Word the opportunity publicly to confess their faith before the church. The rite informs the congregation that these catechumens have sufficient scriptural understanding and spiritual maturity to partake of the Lord’s Supper” (

Good Shepherd offers youth confirmation classes to 7th and 8th grade students.  Often these class are held on Wednesday evenings from September through mid-May, but the schedule is flexible and some weeks, class sessions fall on days other than Wednesday.  Contact Pastor Tullberg for more information
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If you are interested in adult confirmation (an individualized Bible Basics Class), speak with one of the Pastors.

Sunday School

Sunday School will be remote during Fall 2020, Winter 2021 and Spring 2021.  Sunday School begins the weekend of September 13th and runs through May.
We are planning on using a Christ-Light Remote Learning program produced by Northwestern Publishing House (NPH).   The traditional print materials will be used with an online video.   A new video will be released each Friday for that week’s lesson, so you do not need to wait until Sunday morning for “Sunday” School.  There is a unique video for each age group.  For grades PreK-K, 1-2, and 3-4, the videos will be about 10-12 minutes long. Grade 5-6 will run about 25 minutes because lessons for this level are structured differently.  Watch the videos ahead of time to get a sense of what your children will be learning and how the message connects to the printed student lesson activities you will complete with them.
The print lessons can be mailed directly to your home.  Contact Sunday School superintendent, Tammy Spees, if you would like the materials sent to you.  Email:
Find the videos at
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Links to Online Devotions

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Individual and Family Devotions

A variety of materials are available at the church for individual/family devotions.

  • “Our Daily Bread” is a devotional booklet that is published quarterly. The booklet is given to members for their personal Bible studies.
  • Devotional materials developed by our Pastors.
  • Church Library – Books and audiovisuals can be borrowed from the church library. These items include devotional materials.

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Bible Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning Bible Studies – Bible studies are provided throughout the year from approximately 10:15-11:15 am on a variety of topics. We meet in the fellowship hall or the church sanctuary depending on the audio-visual equipment needed for the study.  Study materials and Bibles are provided, but feel free to bring your own Bible.  You can join  at OR

Coffee with Christ – Monday from 11:00 am – noon at Grace’s Restaurant in the Cross Roads Center (1371 8th St S, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494) – This group reviews articles from the magazine “Forward in Christ”. Don’t worry if you do not have a copy of the magazine, a copy will be provided.  If you have a copy, bring it along.  And if you like, bring your Bible.  This Bible study can be joined with Zoom if you are not able to join in person. Here is the link:
Meeting ID: 595 907 6266
Passcode: 410926

One by One Gospel Outreach – This is a three session Bible study.  It was scheduled in April 2021.  Because it is recorded, you can also view it at your convivence.
Link to recorded Session 1
Link to recorded Session 2
Link to recorded Session 3