Pastor Valleau’s King of Kings devotion for 4/26/2020

Devotion from Pastor Valleau

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Pastor Dennis Valleau

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Pastor Valleau Devotion

King of Kings devotion for 4/26/2020

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Pastor Dennis Valleau

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Update from our Called Workers

Dear Good Shepherd family!

David wrote these familiar God-inspired words in Psalm 122, I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” And you’re thinking, “Ok Pastors, enough with the jokes! You know we can’t come to our house of worship! Why rub it in?” Actually, we are not making light of our current predicament.  Instead we are so happy that we are still able to worship publicly in God’s house though it may be through a smartphone or laptop computer.  In fact, we estimate that because of our live streaming, there are many more worshipers at Good Shepherd than normal.  While church is not about numbers but about people, your pastors are rejoicing that so many of you and other Christians around the globe are gathered in the house of the Lord to worship together.  As you know, this is happening in 1,000’s of churches worldwide.  God’s Word is not stopping due to a virus or pandemic! Praise be to Him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

With that in mind, here is our upcoming Holy Week worship schedule.

Sunday, April 5th:     Palm Sunday with Holy Communion at 9 am

Thursday, April 9th: Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion at 7 pm

Friday, April 10th:     Good Friday with Holy Communion at 7 pm

Sunday, April 12th:   Easter Festival Service with Holy Communion at 9 am

Here are some helpful tips to assist you and your family in making the most of your worship time with the Lord:

  • When you log in for worship at, identify yourself in the chat room and how many worshipers are with you.
  • Download our worship folder in advance to help you follow along.
  • When there is a congregational response, speak the response. When there is a song, sing the song! Yes, we are trying to use more familiar songs which fit with the flow of the service.
  • If you are participating in the Lord’s Supper, set out your wafers and wine in advance just as we do on the church altar. Also, register for communion just as you would if you were here. We continue to provide wafers, wine and plastic cups at the church.  Contact us if you need them and we will deliver them to your home.  Even if you don’t participate, rest assured you are still hearing the announcement of the forgiveness of your sins.  Your faith is still being strengthened as you hear the written Word of God.
  • When the offering is gathered, consider using the green Giving button on our website to give your weekly gift to the Lord. One other option is to mail it to the church, and we will make certain it is recorded.
  • Share the worship experience with someone you think might benefit from hearing a word of encouragement from Jesus.

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We realize more and more of you are anxious to return to public worship.  Some of you may even consider “popping in” for one of our worship services in person knowing we may still be able to abide by the guideline of no more than 10 people in the building.  However, please refrain from doing so.  We will have designated soloists coming in along with the worship leaders and technician crew.  In addition, for your safety and the safety of those who are needed for live streaming, it would be wise for you to stay home for worship as well as at other times throughout the week.

Our Wisconsin Synod has informed us of two special opportunities for gathering with like-minded Christians in the coming days.  Please consider attending and sharing this with your family and friends.

Sunday, April 5th:     President Mark Schroeder will deliver a Palm Sunday message to the synod at 6:00 pm

Sunday, April 12th:   Together at the Empty Tomb from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary at 6:00 pm

A special thanks to the volunteers who made phone contacts to our members over the past weekend.  It was a joy to speak with so many of you to hear how you are adjusting to current restrictions and continuing to be fed by the Holy Scriptures.  You should have received the April issue of Forward in Christ and soon be receiving Holy Week devotionals.  Make use of these and other useful online services to foster your faith in the Crucified and Risen Lord and Savior.  Know that your pastors are always available for additional spiritual needs and counseling as needed.  Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Blessings in Christ Jesus, who died and rose for you!

Pastor Paul A. Tullberg [ or 715-572-8284]

Pastor John T. Melke [ or 715-451-3694]

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Worship Summit 2020

10 years of streaming and “Studio Tour”

How we got started and where we are now.
I participated in the online “Worship Summit” in January 2020.
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